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Getting a cat to take medicine

Hiding pills in food or a treat. This doesn't work for all pills, or for all cats for that matter. For this to work, the pill can not have a strong odor or bitter taste, and the food or treat must be something that your cat likes so much that they will eat even when it is 'tainted' by a pill. For this, you can use any cat food or people food as long as it is not a food that will make them sick. The only people foods you need to avoid is anything with garlic or onions in them since those are toxic to cats, chocolate, or anything with lactose in it since most cats are lactose intolerant. Anything else in a small amount is okay to use. Kind of the "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" philosophy.

Probably the easiest way to hide a pill in a treat is to purchase a "Pill Pocket" or something similar. This is a soft treat with a hole in the center. You place the pill inside the treat, smush it closed over the pill, and pretend that you are just giving a normal treat to your cat. If your cat is a big treat eater, and they don't tend to chew their treats, this will work very well. You can also try this using a piece of cheese, lunch meat, hamburger, or anything that is small, that you can hide a pill inside of and that your cat will be likely to inhale without chewing.

If this doesn't work for your cat, then the next thing is to grind the pill up into a fine powder using either a mortar and pestle, two spoons, a hammer, a pill grinder, or anything that will achieve the desired result. You can then mix the pill powder in a small amount of a very tasty cat or human food that your cat normally goes crazy over. Just make sure that your cat eats all of the food, or they won't get all of their medicine, so don't use a large amount of food.